Friday 20 April 2012

get your soapnuts here

Well i have created a paypal button where you can purchase your Soapnuts as you please & as many as you please :)

[not to mention it provides me with the much needed paperwork .... some of you may not know that due to my Lupus and medication i get very easily muddled & befuddled not to mention that i easily lose track of days, weeks etc]

The Soapnuts come in a pretty storage bag with instructions on how to use them in your washing machine.
Also with this is a handmade washbag.
Weight 500gm

this amount will do approx 200 loads, or 7-10 loads per week for around 6 months before it runs out. 
The 4-8 nuts that u put in the small washbag can be used for 4-6 consecutive loads and then disposed of in the compost bin or spread around garden plants as mulch.

Thank-you as every product you Purchase from One girl goes to subsidising my Farming DREAM xo

Saturday quotes

i love this Janis Joplin quote and i think it is so very fitting for me at the moment :)

happy farming,
trace xo

Monday 16 April 2012

Monthly Tasks for 2012

a lovely lass said "why not combine the NO tv month with the NO computer month to get the pain over and done with quicker" 

....  well i think that is a most brilliant idea indeed so i have decided that JULY will be our combined No tv & No computer month :P

so from now until July i will probably be blogging like mad, in some weird way that only i will understand, to get all my fixes in before a whole month of no distractions LOL

and oh my can u imagine the blogging diarrhea i will have come August????!!!!

happy farming,
trace xo


Sunday 15 April 2012

monthly tasks

I have set myself household changing tasks in Monthly slots .. a month i figure is doable as if it sucks it isnt that long to grit our teeth and struggle thru :P

APRIL.... i have switched off from my personal FB page to stop me getting so distracted  [no offense ment to all my friends lol] & i only check my emails once a day and i have handed over all the business SBB work to the lovely capable Julie :P

MAY: we are going paperless - our kitchen is already paperless as we use my scrubbies in place of paper towels and chux. The bathroom is also paperless as we use scrubbies. The main area that we will be changing is the Toilet where we will be replacing loo paper with cut up bits of old t-shirts - we will then use them and place straight into a soaker bucket next to the loo.... every day i will take out the day before rags and wash them. Also for me i will make my own reusable fabric panty liners. [i dont get my period so i dont have to worry about tampons... altho technically not paper anyway lol]

JUNE: we are turning off the tv and going the month without it

JULY: i will be turning off all the COMPUTERS each weekend - so no going online from Friday night til monday morning :P

AUGUST: July is all about preparing me for August when the Computers go off for the entire month!!!!

i have only plotted out til then as it does depend on how those months go as to what i will try out for the other 4 months left in 2012 :P

Saturday 14 April 2012

funding One girl

this is what i make to help me Fund my 'One girl and a farm' dream xo

hand crochet cotton or acrylic SCRUBBIES for use instead of Chux, paper towels etc - when dirty u simply throw in the wash and they will last for ages.

i also sell the most AWESOME SoapNuts [i LOVE them] - they are super economical, all natural nuts that you use in your washing machine.

email me for any info on any of these products

my email is:

life's twists and turns

Ok so you have started down a new path in life looking for greater personal happiness.... 
You have found what makes you happy inside and you are going for it all guns blazing, but then what?
How do u juggle working your way along that newly discovered Path and still living with atleast a foot in your old life??
I have a foot in my old life but i am not sure for how much longer??
My joy is elsewhere and so it is increasingly that much harder to keep putting that foot down on what seems like a path that doesnt work so much for me anymore.... i feel like it is working me instead of the other way around.
 I have truly loved every part of it & it isnt that i dont still have a passion for it just that i yearn to be home and working and planning my Farmy life so it seems to be a pull that i dont yearn for as much as i always used to.
Maybe i am just getting older and realising there is only so much time in the day and things that drain me mentally are perhaps not so good for me.

Much to-ing and fro-ing is going on in my head as i try to weigh up what i will be losing with what i will be gaining, not to mention that i have loved ones that are relying on me and then there is also the income i would be giving up with no way of knowing if i will make an income again!
How simply can a family live?, is it enough to be truly happy and at peace with a sweetly small simple life that is uncluttered with the chaotic thoughts that usually run my world.
How do you let go when u arent sure if u should or not?

Up until recently i let the loud, noisy, busy world crowd out the unsettling voice in my head that was increasingly whispering to me that i wasnt reaching my potential, that i wasnt doing what i was here for & in fact i  wouldnt even admit it to myself that i was feeling very unfulfilled cause i had it all right?
well no children for me to love [deep pain there for sure] but apart from that i have a wonderful hubby & a family that i adore beyond belief and beautiful friends - how could i ask for more when so many would wish for what i have? How could i not be happy with that?
I have found, this is true only for me as i cant speak for anyone else, that a simple decision to listen to that whisper and decide to follow it no matter where it leads has been a saving grace for me and shown me a inner peace & strength that i never thought i could reach.

I have such a long way to go on this amazing journey and i expect to make huge and small mistakes along the way but follow it i must, and follow it i will.

I dont know what my decision will be about other matters as they have to be discussed in depth with loved ones first and their opinions on the matter will not be taken lightly as their personal happiness is also a goal of mine <3

love trace xo